Rental products


Deposit: Fr. 100.00 / basic tax : Fr. 20.00 per rental (cleaning and maintenance)

Rental price: Fr. 40.00 a month/ per week Fr. 10.00 / per day Fr. 2.00 / Dimensions: T57, B59, easily foldable, Seat height: 62cm Width: 39cm / Handle height: 79 – 97cm / Weight: 10.2 kg / Load capacity 130 kg

Crutches (set of 2)

Deposit: Fr. 50.00 / Basic tax: Fr. 6.30 per rental (cleaning and maintenance) / Rental price: Fr. 0.55

Daily settlement via prescription or cash payment

Pari inhaler

Nebuliser set not included in rent / Deposit: Fr. 100.00 / basic tax: Fr. 30.00 per loan

(cleaning and maintenance) / rental price Fr. 1.00 per day / settlement via prescription or cash payment

Purchase: Nebuliser set Fr. 44.00

Blood pressure monitor – upper arm (electronic)

Deposit: Fr. 80.00 / Basic tax: Fr. 10.00 per rental (cleaning and maintenance) / Rental price: Fr. 30.00 per month, or Fr. 1.00 per day

Digital baby scale

Deposit: Fr. 100.00 / Basic tax: Fr. 10.00 per rental (cleaning and maintenance) / Rental price: Fr. 30.00

per month or Fr. 1.00 per day / Weight: up to 20 kg

MEDELA Symphony breast pumps

Swiss maternity hospitals use the Medela Symphony breast pump as standard due to its reliability and quality. Already in the hospital, new mothers get to know the advantages of the Symphony's innovative technology.

We offer you the possibility to rent the breast pump. The standard daily rental fee is CHF 3.45. It is important to know that health insurance companies cover CHF 2 per day. The rest is charged to the insured or, if necessary, to the supplementary insurance.

Medela Pumpsets:

  • Medela double pump set CHF 65.30
    (one pump set is needed to operate the device)

Hagerty carpet cleaning device

Deposit Fr. 100.00 / Rental price: Fr. 25.00 per day (Sunday does not count) / Extension Fr. 5.00 per additional day. Purchase Hagerty 5*Shampoo 1 Lt. for 40-60 m2 Fr. 39.90 / No other cleaning agent may be used.

UV light therapy lamp to relieve depression

Lamp Sanalux San 40 with instructions / deposit: Fr. 100.00 / Rental price: Fr. 50.00 per month, resp.
Fr. 2.00 per day


Mechanical / colour: 1x grey-black, 1x bordeaux-purple / deposit: Fr. 100.00 / basic tax: Fr. 25.00 per loan (cleaning and maintenance) / rent: Fr. 60.00 per month / per week Fr. 15.00 / per day Fr. 5.00 Dimensions: H90, L80, W50 / 13,7 kg


The wheelchair is made of aluminium and equipped with all the practical details.
The high-quality construction enables easy handling and manoeuvring with low weight. The height of the armrests can be adjusted and they can be folded away completely for easy access from the side. The foot grids can be turned sideways or removed, and the pedals can be folded up.

Drum brakes ensure safe operation. The wheelchair can be folded up to save space, and the handles can be folded down so that it can be conveniently stowed even in a small space. Tyres: PU tyres, 7″ front, 24″ rear.

Technical data

  • Narrow overall width - only 16 cm more than the seat width. This makes the wheelchair narrower than many other wheelchairs and ideal for use in apartments, houses or in offices; the wheelchair is also easy to transport in the car
  • When folded, the wheelchair has a dimension of 26 cm
  • Robust construction with tipping aid
  • Handle height 90 cm
  • Swiveling armrests make it easier to get in and out of the car
  • The shortened arm rests make it very easy to approach tables
  • The supports for the arms are 27 cm long and 5.5 cm wide
  • Footrests can be adjusted in length to fit your body length
  • Wheelchair length with footrests 102 cm - without 82 cm
  • The footrests still need to be hooked in and adjusted to your body length


Standard wheelchair

Seat width:

51 cm


19 kg

Total width:

67 cm

Seat depth:

43 cm

Seat height:

49 cm

Back height / backrest:

46 cm

Diameter front wheel:

21 cm

Frame material:


Height of the arm rests:

73 cm

Cover material:


Diameter rear wheel:

24 Zoll, 59 cm

For body weight:

up to 120 kg

Frame color:



Zürcherstrasse 97, 4052 Basel
+41 61 319 98 90

Alle Apotheken in Basel

Wichtige Adressen

Unsere Onepages
Apotheke Basel
Drogerie Basel
Pharmacy Basel (Englisch)
Pharmacie Bâle (Französisch)


Die Breite-Apotheke ist mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln (Tram Nr. 3, Station Waldenburgerstrasse) bequem zu erreichen und liegt direkt an der Autobahnausfahrt BREITE in Fahrtrichtung Basel City, Aeschenplatz.

Opening Hours:

Montag bis Freitag 09.00-18.30 Uhr
Samstag: 09.00-12.30 Uhr

Öffnungszeiten Feiertage


Heiligabend Sonntag geschlossen
Weihnachten Montag, 25.12.2023 geschlossen
Stephanstag Dienstag, 26.12.2022 geschlossen
Silvester Sonntag geschlossen


Neujahr Montag, 01.01.2024 geschlossen
Berchtoldstag Dienstag, 02.01.2024 geschlossen
Gründonnerstag Donnerstag, 28.03.24 9:00 – 17.00 Uhr
Karfreitag Freitag, 29.03.24 geschlossen
Ostermontag Montag, 01.04.24 geschlossen
Tag der ArbeitMittwoch, 01.05.24 geschlossen
Vor Auffahrt Mittwoch, 08.05.2024 09:00 - 17:00 Uhr
Auffahrt Donnerstag, 09.05.2024 geschlossen
Pfingstmontag Montag, 20.05.2024 geschlossen
Nationalfeiertag Donnerstag, 01.08.2024 geschlossen
Heiligabend Dienstag, 24.12.24 09.00 – 16.00 Uhr
Weihnachten Mittwoch, 25.12.2024 geschlossen
Stephanstag Donnerstag, 26.12.2024 geschlossen
Silvester Dienstag, 31.12.24 09.00 – 16.00 Uhr